
The Biology 研究生助教奖学金 will provide graduate students a stipend and a tuition waiver for six credit hours in each of the two academic terms (fall and spring). It is awarded for a period not to exceed two consecutive academic years.

  1. Applicant must be a CSU student who has been fully admitted to the Biology M. S. 程序
  2. Applicant must have a GPA above 3.0 for his/her undergraduate biology coursework, or have been enrolled full time (defined as a minimum of six hours of biology graduate level classes per semester) with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  3. Applicants who are continuing students must have a M.S. 论文导师. 新学生 must identify two potential 论文导师s who have agreed to supervise the applicant’s lab activities during his/her initial semester.
  4. In addition to the 研究生院 minimum requirements, applicants need to submit 以下文件
    1. Application letter for Biology 研究生助教奖学金
    2. Supporting letter from applicant’s 论文导师 or from the potential 论文导师s.
    3. Two recommendation letters sent directly to the Biology 部门 (new students only).
  5. Applicants are required to participate in an interview with the 研究生 Awards 委员会.
  6. The graduate students supported by this assistantship can apply for renewal once. A Personal statement and a supporting letter from applicant’s 论文导师 are required 续期申请.

Students awarded with this assistantship need to be evaluated by the 研究生 Awards 委员会 every semester on their academic and research progresses. 新生一次 awarded will be required to rotate in his/her potential 论文导师s’ labs and choose a 论文导师 at the end of the initial semester. 为了保住助学金, 获奖者必须:

  1. Provide a minimum of 20 hours of lab/field work each week as assigned by their M.S. 论文导师 or potential advisors.
  2. Complete 12 hours of graduate course work during the award period (6 credit hours per semester) with a minimum GPA of 3.00 and no grade of “C”, or the equivalent in research effort if 程序 course load was completed.
  3. Attend at least 80% of the departmental seminars (each Monday from 4-5pm during the 学期).
  4. Join either Biology Society or Tri-Beta.
  5. Demonstrate satisfactory progress on an M.S. 论文 project under the supervision of a departmental 论文导师.
  6. Present their research work at the departmental seminar series once during each academic 获奖年份.

Applications are solicited in May. The announcement will be e-mailed to all admitted Biology graduate students (except those who have another form of financial support), and also published on the 部门 website. The hard copy of the announcement will be posted 在部门里 office as well. There will be a deadline for receiving 填妥的申请表.

The 研究生 Awards 委员会 will review the renewal applications first to determine which, if any, of the renewal applications will be approved for a second year of assistantship. The same committee will review new applications to fill any remaining award slots, and forward the recommendations to the 系主任person and the 主席 will send out award letters by July 31.

The 研究生 Awards 委员会 will rank all of the applications, from strongest to weakest, during the summer review session. In the event that an awardee, over the course of the award period (August 16 to May 15) declines/resigns the assistantship, or fails to fulfill the requirements of the assistantship (e.g., withdraws from classes, fails to maintain the minimum GPA, or does not work the required minimum hours in the lab or field), the assistantship will be offered to the next strongest applicant from the summer applicant pool, provided that this applicant has been/is enrolled full time, and has sustained a minimum GPA of 3.00 in the time since the initial evaluation.

Academic progress of graduate assistants is monitored by the Biology 研究生 Advisors. Grades are checked at the end of every semester via Banner. The 研究生 Advisor reports any problems to the 研究生 Awards 委员会 which oversees the assistantship 程序 在部门里. The 研究生 Awards 委员会 reports any findings to the 部门 主席.

研究 progress of graduate assistants is monitored by each student’s M.S. 论文 顾问和他/她的M.S. 论文 committee (if it is formed). 论文指导老师 potential 论文导师s must document the hours worked by the student each week. The 论文导师 or the 论文 committee reports any concerns to the 研究生 Awards 委员会. The 研究生 Awards 委员会 reports any findings to the 系主任person.

For more information on the 研究生助教奖学金 please contact Dr. 露西。 rhe@ycdwkj666.com.